Dorset Somerset Supervision

Contact me

If you are looking for supervision, consultancy or training, as an individual or as a group or organisation, email me

I'm always pleased to discuss possibilities with you and answer any queries without obligation.

I offer face-to-face sessions on an appointment only basis. Please do contact me and I will be pleased to discuss how I work and what you need, and book a session with you. I will give you details of the venue and directions when we book a session. I also offer video session on an appointment basis.

In Perth, Western Australia

I visit Perth, West Australia regularly where I also offer supervision.

If you live and work in West Australia, do email me for details of my next visit and we can arrange appointments, fees and venues accordingly.


For 1:1 clinical supervision: £40 an hour, £60 for an hour and a half.

Fees for group supervision by arrangement.

Contact me

Email me. I look forward to hearing from you.