Supervision for healthcare professionals and others in Dorset and Somerset
Welcome to my website. I offer supervision, clinical supervision and professional consultancy to a range of healthcare and other professionals in Dorset and Somerset.
Supervision creates a reflective space where you can unpack your assumptions, question your certainties and explore your uncertainties to gain insight for future practice.
For more about supervision, go to Supervision.
My supervision journey
I have been a supervisor for 15 years or so, completing a Diploma in Supervision (recognized by the European Association of Supervision and Coaching) at Iron Mill Institute in 2009. I also attend supervision workshops to continue to develop my understanding of the supervision process, and I have supervision on my supervision practice.
The lighthouse and the kaleidoscope
I find the images of a lighthouse and a kaleidoscope enhance my understanding of supervision.
Supervision often uncovers hidden material. Definition is needed to facilitate the light of seeing the issues you need to work with clearly. That definition needs to be well grounded in contracting at the start of a supervision session, as well as external referencing to, for example, your profession’s Codes of Ethics. At the start of each supervision session we will discuss your needs for the session, and make time at the end of each session to summarize, map and review the ground covered, and discuss pointers for your further reflection.
During the session, the “lighthouse light” can be a strong beam or a softer one, depending on context. The space is created and held as if within the prism of a kaleidoscope: the embodied listening, as well as appropriate intervention. As the kaleidoscope turns, your understanding of the changing shapes and shifts of patterns as they emerge, will deepen and expand. You can then return to work or practice with a sense of renewal.
For more about supervision go to Supervision.
I offer face to face sessions in Dorchester, Dorset and also Combe St Nicholas, Somerset on an appointment basis. Contact me.
I also offer Skype or phone consultation. Sessions are scheduled to suit you.
“Zofia is a gifted supervisor. I had a great series of supervision sessions with her that really helped me focus on my work and develop my role. I found the acuteness of her questioning really helpful too. If, like me, you have been thinking of taking on a supervisor, I highly recommend her.” A
For more testimonials go to About me.
“We are the mirror as well as the face in it
We are tasting the taste this minute
of eternity. We are the pain
and what cures the pain. We are
the sweet, cold water, and the jar that pours”
— Rumi
Contact me
Do email me. I look forward to hearing from you.
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